Al's Page!

[Written by Alex Daniels 2003]

The Eden Project is a collaboration of efforts made by people united by a dream. It has been made to symbolize a place of paradise and is also there to help us learn about other environments around the world. It is situated in Cornwall around St. Austell and is built over an old quarry of china clay. There are two biomes and another is being built.

Biomes OverviewThis is an overview of the Eden Project’s Biomes.








The Biomes

The Humid Tropics Biome shows an example of a tropical rain forest and the warm temperate biome shows a desert environment. In each biome there are little signs with numbers on and each number corresponds to a different part of the world. They grow organic food and sell it to fund the extensions that they are making eg. bananas, tomatoes, etc. They also have signs telling you about the plants and how they are used. It tells you, as well as everything else, about the disasters and problems around the world.

Humid Tropics Biome

I found the Humid Tropics Biome was my favourite biome because of the jungle environment resemblance. It shows and tells you about poverty, exports and the plants that grow there. Some of the exports are: Bananas, cocoa, sugar, mangoes, pineapple, rice, coffee, cashew nuts, cola, rubber, and bamboo.

Humid BiomeThis is the Humid Tropics Biome at the Eden Project.








The Warm Temperate Biome

The Warm Temperate Biome still needs a couple of years to grow because it isn't very exciting or anything like what it is meant to be. I didn't really find this one as informative because the plants have not grown as much. Some of it's exports are: Cork, Peppers, Citrus, Grape vines, Pulses, Tobacco, Tomatoes, Cotton, and Olives.

Mum & MeThis is me and my mum in the outdoor gardens of the Eden Project.








My thoughts on the Eden Project ...

I think this is a great educational experience and it will help people understand how others live. I hope that they get enough funding to continue their work and I recommend that you go and see it for yourself. I will definitely try to visit again in a couple of years time when it has grown to an even better standard.


For further information visit the Eden Project Website

© Alex Daniels 2003

